Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How to find a good tattoo shop

So you've decided what you want to get. You've saved up your money and you are now itching to get new artwork on your skin. Maybe it's your first tattoo and you want to make sure it not only comes out perfect, but you don't catch any creepy diseases while getting it. Maybe you've got a bunch of tattoos, but you just aren't happy with the artwork from your old shop. Maybe your wife has finally laid down the law and says you can't go to your cousin Jimmy's basement anymore to get tattooed. Whatever the case may be, I'll give you some tips on picking out a good tattoo shop.

In the past, it was really common to just drive down the street and stop wherever you saw a neon "tattoo" sign in the window. Another method is by word of mouth. Although people still do both, many people tend to research the shop they saw or were told about before they even step foot into it. So...that shop you always pass on the way home from work? The place your coworker Erin swears is the best? Go ahead and Google those bad boys. Do they have their own website? Good! I am weary of places that don't (and yes, there are still places that don't). In today's day and age, it is essential to have a website. Not only does it show that the shop is serious about their work, but it allows the customer to do some background research before they even step foot into the shop (which makes life easier for us shop help, let me tell you).

The most common place that people research is Yelp. Haven't heard of it? Google it or go to It's basically a site where people write reviews of businesses. The app is pretty neat, too...out of town and feel like seafood? Yelp a good seafood spot. Out of gas and need to find the closest station? Yelp. It's amazing. Anyway, with the popularity of Yelp, shops have really been benefiting from this modern-day word of mouth website and app (my own shop, included-we have a perfect 5-star Yelp rating, thank you very much). You can read the direct thoughts of real customers about hundreds and hundreds of businesses. Yelp has increased our sales quite a bit, and I've noticed that over the past few years we've gained a lot of business from further away cities, due to Yelp's ability to rank a certain mile radius search by star ranking. Whenever I ask new clients how they heard of us, the answer is almost always Yelp.

That being said, I've noticed that a funny thing happens when people use Yelp as a recommendation. At my shop, the guys that are usually available for walk ins are almost always the new guys. It makes sense; the guys that have been there for a long time have clients that they can book themselves the whole day, every day, for weeks or even months at a time. The new guys just don't have that popularity yet. Whenever a walk in comes in from Yelp, they usually get "the new guy". Now, my shop is awesome, so of course the tattoo comes out awesome, and the client will almost always Yelp about the artist by name. This leads to more and more people coming in and requesting this particular artist by name...people think they're going to "the best" artist, and trust me, our new guys are good once they get done with their apprenticeships, but they aren't necessarily the "best" because they have the most shoutouts by's just people choosing someone because a bunch of other people happened to call him out by name on Yelp. So basically what I'm getting at is...beware of bandwagoners. At my shop, you'll get some sick work regardless...but I can't guarantee the same thing at other shops.

Therefore, the best thing you can do as a customer is to RESEARCH YOUR ARTIST. This is so important to ensure you know what you're getting. Even if a shop as a whole has a great rating, you never know if they have a "bad seed", so to speak. Start by checking out artist artwork. You've probably already found some shops you want to check out at this point, so go to their websites and see if they have online portfolios (the actual shop will have artist portfolios inside them, of course, but the advantage here is that you can peruse the work without feeling like someone is watching over you, expecting a response. Sometimes people get intimidated and just say "yes", even if they really don't want to get their work done there, just because they feel pressure). Another place that is becoming more popular is Instagram. The guys at my shop all have their own Instagram pages where they post their work daily. Try Googling the artist's name along with the shop name and see what you find. If they have one, it'll probably pop up in the first few listings.

Now, the most important this artist good? For the non-artist, this can be difficult to decide. Your first instinct is usually right...if you like how the work looks, great! If you don't, that's ok, too! They might not even be a bad artist, but if the work isn't how YOU want it, then they aren't the artist for you. Simple as that. Artists all over specialize in so many different styles, so it is important that if you have a specific vision, you go to someone who can pull it off. Otherwise, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. For example, we have a phenomenal artist who specializes in traditional work (bright colors and bold lines-think Sailor Jerry). He is booked out for at least six months at a time. It's ridiculous! People love him, and for good reason. However, sometimes people hear that he is the best, so they'll come in asking him to do some crazy black and gray work, like a portrait. Now, can he do it? Probably. Is it his specialty? No. He almost always recommends them to one of our portrait guys in the shop, because he knows they'll do it better. As far as the actual artwork goes-when you are looking at the work of an artist, make sure that the example work shows clean lines (like the artist made the lines in one single stroke, rather than having to keep picking up the machine to draw a long line) and solid colors or shading, if there is any (no funky spots that look out of place in the tattoo, like it isn't finished). Again...if it looks good, you're probably in the clear. Don't be shy to ask friends what they think of the artwork, too. Just remember that style preferences are different from artistic ability

So you found your shop and your artist. Time to go into the shop! You'll want to bring in your references for your tattoo (information on how to do that is going to be outlined in a future post) in at this point. When you walk in, how do you feel? What is your first impression? Does it appear clean, like a doctor's office? Do you see cobwebs in the corner of the shop with dust on the windowsills? These things matter. If they don't care enough about the appearance and cleanliness of their shop, then they probably don't care too much about tattoo cleanliness, either (and hence one reason why I am employed-to keep the shop looking it's best). If you can, check out the stations. Are they clean? Do you see someone breaking down stations to get ready for new clients (This is a timing thing, you would have to enter the shop just as someone was done getting tattooed).

Are you greeted by someone, or are you awkwardly standing at the front, waiting for someone to approach you? I really hope you're greeted by someone...I think it is essential to make someone feel comfortable in an environment that can potentially be very intimidating. Ask the person if they use single use needles (they should), if they ID every client (they should), if they use sterile coverings and dressings as required by law on each client's station (they should), and if they sterilize all non-disposable items, such as tattoo tubes, in an autoclave (they should, and on this one, if the answer is yes, ask if you can see their spore test for their autoclave-it should be tested MONTHLY by law). If any of these questions come back as no, then don't walk but RUN out of there. Think about it- would you eat at a restaurant that served you on dirty dishes? I didn't think so. Tattoos are the same idea, but can catch gnarly diseases, and any shop worth it's salt will do everything within their power to follow all body art laws and practices to keep their clients safe.

Perfect, your shop passed all the tests. Go ahead and ask to talk with your artist, or grab a business card and come back with your references for your tattoo, which I will be explaining how to do in a later post. If you talk to your artist at this point, I always tell people that it is super important that you feel comfortable. If your artist gives off any weird vibes, then I don't care how talented he or she is, you should find someone else. Depending on what you're getting, you're going to be sitting with this person for a LONG time. Some people don't talk to their artist much during tattoos, and some do. Both are fine...but still. Do you want to be paying your hard earned cash to someone who you don't feel comfortable with? No. And I don't want you to, either. You deserve the perfect artist, and I'm sure that you'll find him or her if you follow these tips.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The deal with white ink.

One common question that I get asked at my job is if we do white ink tattoos. This answer varies depending on a bunch of factors. Over the years, white ink tattoos have become very popular on social media sites such as Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram. Once healed, they tend to look like a faint scar, depending on your skin tone. So how come they aren't as common as other colors, like black?

Honestly, white ink doesn't hold up very well. The pictures of these tattoos on social media sites are generally only a few months old at most. Therefore, at the time of the picture they are in their "prime", so to speak, as far as how they look physically (all tattoos age, no matter how well they were done). The fact of the matter is that any artist who has been tattooing for awhile has seen clients that come back with white ink they have used in their tattoos, only to find that the white has sort of turned brown-ish. This is the main reason I give people when asked this question. After all, who wants a brown-ish tattoo if your intention was for it to be white?

 It's also pretty difficult to get white ink packed in solid-i.e., it doesn't "fill in" very well. There will almost always be patches in the work if it is a large area of white that needs filling in. Of course, this isn't a problem if the client is just looking to get line work done, but it's still a factor to consider if the piece is larger.

In general, my shop personally only uses white ink for mixing custom colors (to get a lighter blue, a creamier pink, etc.) and for accents, such as eyes in animals. We don't really use it as a main color anywhere. We tend to shy away from white ink tattoos, and we will try to recommend that the client gets the tattoo in black (or even another color) instead. Of course, if someone REALLY can't imagine it being any other color, we'll do it, but we do warn clients of all the risks involved.

The good news: if you decide you really want a white ink tattoo, then get it. You can always go back later and get the design redone (or even covered up with a completely different design) in a darker color, and no one will ever know.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to get my job ( to try, anyway)

The majority of the emails that I have received so far deal with one question..."So just how DO you get a receptionist/shop help type job at a tattoo shop, anyway?" This is a great question that I'd like to try to answer to the best of my ability. Although none of these tips are going to guarantee that you'll get a position similar to mine (many shops don't even HAVE a position like mine), I feel that these could possibly boost your chances.

First things first-get a resume together that is geared towards being a receptionist/front desk/shop help. I would definitely make this as well rounded as possible; a possible employer is going to choose the person who is going to benefit their company the most. As I've explained before, my position involves much more than just answering phones and scheduling appointments all day- I do most of the cleaning that goes on in the shop. Also, it may be obvious that you need to have customer service skills for this job, but you're going to want to make sure to highlight that you indeed have them. Because of all of this, you are going to want your resume to reflect everything; don't leave any stone unturned. Don't be afraid to be creative with your past experience. For example, my first "job" was babysitting. I wasn't in "customer service", per say, but my resume reflected the fact that I interacted with my clients and ensured that the care that I was providing for their children was meeting and exceeding their expectations. I also worked for a company that put on birthday parties for children; I used this as experience for cleaning, because I had to vacuum, clean restrooms, and set up and take down decorations for the parties. Basically, I made what little experience I DID have applicable to the tattooing world, even though nothing I did related directly. Sidenote- if you happen to be interested in art, SAY so! Bonus points if you make art on the side, are in art school, or anything. These are definitely good things to put on a resume because it shows that you are interested in their field. However, I had none of this (I can barely draw stick figures), so it's definitely not a requirement (unless you wanted to tattoo, but watch for a future post on that).

I would also take this time before the job hunt to start studying up on tattooing and the process. Of course, you may already be very knowledgeable about these things. I wasn't, so I needed to research. This way, you're prepared for questions and you sound confident that you know what you're talking about. You never know when you'll be offered an interview, so you'll want to have this started. It wouldn't be a bad idea to brush up on piercings, either, since many shops also offer piercing services.

Your best bet in finding a job is going to be to find a shop that is actively hiring for this very position. I would start by looking on popular sites that list,, etc. You may need to try using different keywords, such as "tattoo receptionist", "tattoo front desk", "tattoo shop help" get the idea. Honestly, if you just search "tattoo", you'll probably find everything that you're going to find on the particular website that you're on (plus some actual tattooing jobs, of course). Another idea would be going going onto the websites of shops that are local to you (to get THESE websites, you're on your own...use Google to your advantage) and see if they have an "employment" or "HR" section. You *might* just luck out and find an ad about shop help wanted (Of course, these types of sections on a tattoo shop website are rare, but you NEVER know!). Be sure to check out the social media sites of shops, as well, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Shops have been known to post help wanted ads on these mediums, as the traffic is pretty heavy on them. I'm personally not active on any tattoo/piercing forums, but I know that jobs have been posted on forums in the be aware of these options, as well!

If you can't find any listings for jobs, now you're going to have to start cold calling, essentially. This is why I suggested getting a resume together. With this resume, you'll be persuading employers that you're worth hiring and that you'd be a valuable asset to their company. I suggest that you walk into shops in person- calling about a job on the phone comes off as lazy. Whenever someone calls our shop, I have been instructed to tell them to come in and speak to a manager. You don't want to be pinned as lazy even before you interview...not good. Go into shops and ask to speak to a manager. Ask if they are hiring for a front desk/receptionist/shop help position. Actually...I would probably say shop help, as that is what they would most likely want, if given the option (it sounds the most appealing, plus you'll probably end up doing reception anyway if hired on as shop help). As you probably read in one of my posts, that's essentially what I out around the shop and do everything the artists DON'T want to do. If the manager says they are hiring, great. If not, or if they say they don't even have the position, I would ask if they've ever considered having shop help. Go into the benefits of having an extra set of hands in the shop that aren't tattooing- someone to always answer phones, someone to always greet clients and answer questions (have you ever walked into a business and just kind of stood there, confused, because no one greeted you? Awkward and uncomfortable), someone to clean up after the artists and make the shop run as seamless as possible. Sure, it's possible that the manager already does all of this. However, I DO know that many shops are all dudes, and artistic tattooer dudes don't always think of things that make a shop more appealing to the average client, like having a receptionist. Plus, my guys at my shop LOVE that they don't have to do any of the cleaning around the shop. You might also want to offer the fact that you could help out with cleaning tubes and autoclaving things (just more stuff they don't want to do). Don't be afraid...the worst that can happen is they say no.

Get an interview? Great! Wondering what to wear? So was I! Check out this post to get more information on that.

Hopefully this was all helpful. As always, feel free to email me or leave a comment below if you have any questions.

Friday, August 29, 2014

So you think you want my job?

I want to prepare you for the realities of working in a shop. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the entire tattoo industry is extremely dependent upon a hierarchy. This is true at the smaller scale (inside a tattoo shop), as well as in the larger sense (the industry as a whole..there are some big tattooing names in this business. Sailor Jerry, anyone?) Basically, there are the the high people on the totem pole and the low people...and you DON'T screw with the higher ups, ever. They worked hard to get to that position, so regardless of your personal feelings towards them, you still need to show them respect (This may seem pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't seem to abide by these social cues). Now, that being said, it should be pretty obvious to you (if you read my "day in the life" post) that the shop help/front desk/receptionist can be found at the very bottom of this metaphorical tattooing totem prepare yourself for this. Seriously, when I first started, I wasn't ready to pick up trash thrown on the ground, throw away abandoned half-empty coffee cups strewn across the shop, or clean up after the meals of full grown men. I was surprised when I realized I would be scrubbing toilets, handling disease-ridden needles and equipment, and basically doing anything and everything an artist wants me to do, no questions asked. I's just a receptionist job, right? Isn't there a custodian or something to do all the dirty work? (HAH!!! How quickly I learned, silly and naive little Nikki...) It's a bit demeaning on the surface, but you just have to learn to accept it- that's how it is. If you don't like it, get another job. I can assure you that they won't have any problem finding someone else who will deal with this "bitch" work.

Many people are interested in just being a part of this environment from the inside. This is one aspect that really appealed to me when I first applied, and I'm sure this is appealing to many of my readers, as well. Being in a position like shop help can allow you to be an insider of the tattooing world without actually being a tattooer (if you're interested in tattooing, stay tuned for a future post). That being said, be aware that like anything, working on the "inside" will allow some (or most) of that "magic" to leave. You'll know how everything works, and you'll learn the politics that are present in tattooing (nope, can't escape them, no matter what your job!). I'd imagine it's kind of like working at Disney World or something...when you're surrounded by something all the time, even something that you may love, the magic is gone.

 For me, personally, I still love tattoos- don't get me wrong! I have many, and I still continue to get them. I love looking at (good) tattoos. I even enjoy hearing about other people's tattoos, to an extent. But that's really where it ends...I used to love to pour over the internet, looking at Tumblr accounts that featured tattoos, doing Google image searches of tattoos, going to forums to look at other people's tattoos...this was all before the Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest hype, but I'd imagine I would have been on those social sites, too. I just am not interested in searching tattoos anymore. I think I just see enough of them day in and day out that it doesn't really appeal to me. I don't want to go home after a long day at work and go look at MORE tattoos, you know?

Also, I've noticed that occasionally I'll pick clothing that covers my tattoos if I'm going out (something I never consciously did before this job). Covered tattoos means no uninvited conversations with strangers about my tattoos...and trust me, this happens a LOT when I am out in clothing that reveals them. I mean, I get artists at my shop ROCK, and people want to know who does my work. But honestly, it gets to get old real quick, especially after being at the shop all day with clients talking to me about my tattoos (again, must be too much of a good thing). I'm sure this happens to anyone who has visible tattoos, not just me because I personally work at a shop. However, it's something to consider...are you ready to talk about your tattoos at work all day, then go out and run some errands when you get off after a hard day's work, just to be inquired even MORE about your tattoos when all you really want to do is peel them off and throw them at the strangers for being so nosy? Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get my point. My life is tattoos, always...and yours will be, too. This needs to be ok with you, so I'm pointing it out now.

My final point would be that since your family and friends will know you work at a shop, you might become their "go-to" person when they need tattoo advice. This can be fine, and I welcome it, honestly- I know that my advice is going to be a lot better than someone who is just repeating "hearsay" from the street. Somehow, I've noticed, people that I haven't talked to in YEARS have discovered I work at a shop. These people suddenly will message me on social networks and small talk me. I always know what is coming next..."So, can you hook me up with a discount or something?" Ugh. There will always be those moocher-type people, but it's especially popular when it comes to tattoos...they're expensive, and people are willing to do whatever it takes to save a buck (grrrrr). Prepare for them, and prepare your appropriate response. I've even had random people I've met on the street ask if I can get them discounts...that one always confuses me.

With everything that I have mentioned so far, I feel it necessary to remind you that it is IMPERATIVE that you always display pride for your shop at ALL times. Even though I have pointed out a number of frustrating things that come with this job, the bottom line is you are ALWAYS a representative of your shop...ALWAYS. Doesn't matter if you're physically working a shift at your shop, in line at the bank, out drinking with some buddies, or at a family reunion with people you haven't seen in years. Once it comes up that you work at a shop (and it will, trust me), people will be asking questions, wanting to know more (it's an interesting place that not many people get to experience from the inside, so who can blame them?). You have to push your frustrations aside and represent your shop well. After all, if you make any indication that people shouldn't go to your shop, the shop looses money...if they need to start making cuts, guess who's first to get canned? (Hint: see the totem pole analogy above).

So, these are the negatives of working at a tattoo shop. If you're still interested in working at a position such as mine, then I commend you- your future boss will be very lucky to have you. Stay tuned for a post on tips to actually nail a job like this!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Guess who's back!

OH my goodness. It's been awhile, hasn't it? :D

So today started like any other day...I woke up, went on the Internet and did my normal stuff on Youtube, FML, Pinterest, Failbook... you know, wasting away my life one website at a time by the minute. Before I knew it, I was on a blog. One blog turned into two...into four...eight...wait, blogs? Why am I reading blogs? Well, this thought is kind of interesting...ok, let's read one more...

STOP. Nikki. Didn't you make a blog, like, a really long time ago? Didn't you quit after about, uh, ONE post? Yes, and yes (later I saw I had three, but still).

So I googled. I remembered the name of my blog, and lo and behold, it popped up first on Google. "That's odd," I thought to myself. "It didn't used to pop up first when I would search for it before..." I clicked on it, scared, but basically reassured that it had probably gotten about 10 hits over the past however long I had left it. After all, for the whole week or so I blogged before, I had two viewers- myself and some bot from China (thanks, Google analytics).

I was wrong.

My blog actually had COMMENTS. THREE comments. What? People were interested in what I had to say? Holy crap, I had an email posted on there, too, didn't I? I couldn't remember the password, but I finally managed to get in. I had six or seven emails from people, all asking for my help. MY help. Something that I had knowledge in could actually HELP awesome people like you guys. I had NO idea anyone would actually take me up on that offer! People actually seemed to like what they had read, and they were telling me how they could relate to me. Some even told me how they wanted to confide in me, because they knew I'd understand where they were coming from. *blush*

I have a confession for you guys. Well, a new one, besides tattoo confessions. When I made this blog...what...a year and a half ago (and I came up with the idea years before that, I just never got around to making it), I NEVER thought anyone would be interested in reading it. After all, my job can be pretty boring. Sure, it SOUNDS cool...but like anything else, the magic fades once you're "behind the scenes". I'd imagine the same could be said for working at Disneyland.

At the time of this posting, my blog has had 3,577 page views and 1,546 unique visitors. I was floored. I still am floored. And humbled. And...well...gosh, I'm just so excited I decided to search blogs today.

Thanks for reading, everyone. I promise to update more often than once every two years :) Seriously, though, I found this Word document I made full of blog post ideas. You guys have re-inspired me, and I am so thankful and excited. Thank you!